Welcome to our X-Europe startup interview series. We have virtually sat down with a number of our founders from past cohorts to hear all about their solutions, vision for the future, and what made them tick during our X Europe programme. So whether you are a deep tech founder looking for startup support, an eagle-eyed investor, or simply interested in the possibilities that technology can bring to society, then we welcome you to take a read. Please meet Machine Can See, a startup that combines Computer Vision and Physics Engine to effectively track and predict vehicle movement.

Can you briefly explain what your solution is all about? What’s unique about it?
Our technology is the first to combine Computer Vision and Physics Engine to effectively track and predict vehicle movement, allowing us to improve the performance of Visual AI solutions and extend their range of applications.
What led you to start or join your company? What is the key motivation and mission behind the startup?
We think that artificial intelligence will play a significant role in our lifetime and we are thrilled that we had the opportunity to join the race early. Our mission is to innovate and make this technology more useful in everyday life.
Who are the key target audiences? How does the technology make a positive impact?
Data-driven cities. The ultimate goal is sustainability and this is where the technology kicks in. We need to collect and understand the data more efficiently and our technology can play a big role in this.
What’s the biggest milestone your startup has achieved so far, and what has surprised you most on this journey? Finding the right people for this project was the hardest thing for us. But we did it! I'm happy that we finally managed to define a clear technological roadmap. We are surprised by how supportive X-Europe is.
How has X-Europe helped you during the past few months?
X-Europe brought some smart people to help us out understanding our next steps. Through the programme, we were given the opportunity to meet other startups and once again validate our ideas by talking to them.
What are your goals over the next 3, 6, and 12 months?
We cannot wait to share our demo with the World. Our plan for the next 3 months includes a pilot project. After that, we plan to launch an MVP and onboard early adopters. We don't want to stop innovation in our company, and 12 months from now, we want to improve the service and be able to serve more use cases with our technology.
What advice would you give to an entrepreneur trying to pave his/her way in the Smart Cities & Sustainability landscape?
Don't hesitate to reach out to big companies. They might have a problem that you are not aware of and it can be that your team can solve their problem. Cities like to work with big companies that they know - as a startup, you might be better of with approaching the cities through big companies.
What’s unique about the X-Europe programme?
Our communication with X-Europe is excellent and we love the fact that we will be able to have your support for at least 6 month